KJV Conferences and Messages
July 28th - August 1st 2010
THEME: 400 Years of Eternal Power
Speakers & Messages
David Busch:
Having Confidence in the Word of God
Richard Jordan:
The Living Word of The Living God
The History of the King James Bible - Part One,
The History of the King James Bible - Part Two,
Rick Jordan:
Preservation - A Fundamental Promise,
Why the Difference in Translations?,
Do All the Translations Really Say the Same Thing?
John Verstegen:
Inspiration - Where Did God's Word Come From?,
Words vs. Concepts – What Difference Does it Make?
September 10-12 2010
Ridge Farm Fall Bible Conference
Theme: The King James Bible 400
Speakers & Messages
Richard Jordan:
The History of the KJV-Part 1,
The History of the KJV-Part 2,
Ray Keable:
Practical Reasons for Having a Final Authority,
Is Biblical "Common Sense" Important for You?
David Reid:
A Statistical Proof from OT Prophecy of the Divine Nature of the Bible,
What parts of the Bible should I believe?,
Where was the word of God before 1611?
October 29-31, 2010
Southwest Grace Bible Conference
Theme: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible
Speakers & Messages
Richard Jordan:
The History of the King James Bible Pt 1,
The History of the King James Bible Pt 2,
The History of the King James Bible Pt 3,
John Verstegen:
Do the Translations Say the Same Thing?
Rick Jordan:
The Doctrines of Inspiration & Preservation
November 12-14, 2010
Royal Grace Bible Conference 2010
THEME: Psalm 119:89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven
Speakers & Messages
Kinney Beisel:
Richard Jordan:
Right division of the Scriptures,
Perry Lemmons:
Johnny Piercy:
Ken Scharf:
The words make the difference!
Ray Watson:
Can you trust the word of God?
January 21-23, 2011:
Florida Grace Bible Conference
Theme: Why We Believe a Book
Speakers & Messages
7:00pm Richard Jordan:
9:00am Willard Sessoms:
10:00am Des Strydom:
11:00am Richard Jordan:
2:30pm Ladies Meeting–
4:00pm Richard Jordan:
7:00pm Russ Hargett:
8:00pm Morris Chesnut:
9:00am Fred Bekemeyer:
10:30am Richard Jordan:
February 18-21, 2011:
Southwest Winter Grace Conference
Theme: 400 Years of Eternal Power: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible
Speakers & Messages
Richard Jordan-
Understanding the Real Issue– The Final Authority
John Verstegen -
What the Bible says about itself– The Word of the Living God
Rick Jordan –
The Teaching Ability of the King James Bible– It’s Unique Built in Dictionary
John Verstegen -
The Teaching Ability of the King James Bible– It’s Rhythm and Rhyme
Richard Jordan–
Wycliff, Erasmus and Tyndale, Question and Answer
Rick Jordan –
What Doctrines are affected by the New Versions
Rick Jordan –
How do the New Versions impact Right Division and the Grace Message
Richard Jordan-
The Impact of the New Versions on Faith and Edification
May 27-29, 2011:
Great Lake Grace Bible Conference
Theme: The Word of Truth (2Tim 2:15) – The Book, The History, The Doctrine, The People
Speakers & Messages
Bryan Ross- What is Truth? (John 18:28)
Richard Jordan- Thy Word is Truth (John 17:17)
Matthew Walker- The Whole Truth & Nothing But the Truth (Deut 4:2)
Des Strydom- The Promise of Preservation (Ps 12:6-7, 119:160)
Bryan Ross- The People and Process of Preservation (Rom 3:1, 1Tim 3:15), The Product of Preservation (Matt 22:31, 2Pet 1:20-21),
Richard Jordan-The Dispensational Superiority of the KJV (2Tim 2:2,15)
Bryan Ross- The Language and Readability of the KJV (2Cor 3:12)
Ted Fellows-The Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6, Heb 4:12-13, Gal 3:8)
Des Strydom- The Pillar and Ground of the Truth (1Tim 3:15, 1Th 2:13)
Richard Jordan-Buy the Truth and Sell it Not (Pr 23:23, Eph 6:14,17)
Sponsored by OGM
July 16-21, 2011:
THEME: 400 Years of Eternal Power 1611-2011
Speakers & Messages
Alex Kurz-With Bible In Hand
Perry Lemmons- God Gives His Word;
Des Strydom- God Keeps His Word;
Greg Hayes- God’s People Recognize His Word;
Ron Knight-God Makes His Word Available;
Richard Jordan -Set Thy Heart to Understand
Edward Yarber-The Word of Truth;
Steve Hamilton- Seek Ye Out the Book of the Lord;
Richard Church-They Received the Word;
Bryan Ross- Wycliff: “The Morning Star of the Reformation”;
Ted Fellows-The Perils of the Season
Charlie McQuillan-The Faithful Word;
Steve Ross- Throughly Furnished;
Matthew Walker- Rhyme, Rhythm and Readers;
David Reid- Erasmus: Laying the Egg for Luther to Hatch;
John Verstegen-The Passion of the Saints
Wednesday: Mike Taylor-The Engrafted Word;
Morris Chesnut-Which Gospel Do We Preach?
Carl Hayes- Words Without Wisdom;
Russ Hargett- Tyndale: the Plow Boy Gets His Bible;
Rick Jordan- The Power of the Scriptures
Erik Walker- The Word of Life;
Rodney Beaulieu- Thee, Thou and All That;
Arthur Johnson- In the Beauty of Holiness;
Ray Keable- King James and His Scribes;
Thomas Bruscha- The Prerequisite of the Sovereign
Afternoon Seminars:
Ken Scharf- Can We Trust the New King James Version?
Bryan Ross- Inerrancy and the KJB;
Laura Wetherbee– Ladies Meeting